Our work

Any person can help to create a great world. Our mission is to help both sides to do it. 

Charity aid  for handicaped and patients

Disaster relief – help to rebuild life

Yearly emphasis charity projects

News & Highligths

Papillon International

We organise a house-to-house aid with love. We are dedicated to building a better life by caring for equal chances in life. Therefore we aim to rebuild life and help people so they can take care of themselves again. Children, handicaped and elderly people are our main focus.

About us



“Papillon International”
Caring for equal chances in life

Papillon International is a non-governmental-organisation/charity organisation (NGO), operated only by volunteers and it is the roof organisation of all Papillon groups in Germany, Austria and other regions.

Papillon is based in Guntramsdorf near Vienna. Since 1996 the foundation has been registered in the Austrian legal non-profit-organisations register (Vr 1507/96, 377/99,ZVR: 317818674).

For the mission and the execution of the ideas of Papillon there are people who are engaged as volunteers for charity-actions, donations, events, logistical and administration tasks.

We organise a house-to-house aid with a lot of love.
We are dedicated to building a better life by caring for equal chances in life.

Board of Papillon
President: Mag. Christian Bouda
Vice President / Managing Director North Africa and Central-Eastern Europe: Mechtild Daun
Vice President: Maria Kling
Board Member for Administration: Karl Weinbacher 
2. Board Member for Administration: Ursula Gut
Chief of Finance: Mag. Gerhard Oehling
2. Board Member for Finance: Mechtild Daun

Project Managing Team Asia: Team Papillon Vienna

Association Papillon International
Office: Guntramsdorferstr. 8A/7
A-2340 Mödling
Tel: +43 650 513 10 70
E-Mail: office@papillon-international.org